Hans Kuhn

Meeting: RouteViews at PhNOG 2024

Philip Smith is at PhNOG from July 8-12 in Manila, Philippines. He delivered a presentation on RouteViews.

If you have any questions, contact us at help @ routeviews.org.

Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, News

Meeting: RouteViews at NANOG 92

RouteViews (AS 6447) will be in Toronta, Canada at NANOG 92. We will be at beer and gear. Come find us!


We can always be reached at help @ routeviews.org

Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, News

Outage: route-views.sg missing data

RIB dumps from 2024-04-17 20:00 until 2024-04-23 20:00 were not collected due to a resource exhaustion problem. The RIB dumps for this period are not able to be recovered. We’ve implemented a mitigation for this problem so future RIB dumps should be collected.

The route-views.sg collector is due for replacement in the coming weeks and we are working with our partners to coordinate this maintenance.

Please contact help @ routeviews.org if you have any questions.

Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, Maintenance

RouteViews is hiring!

We are hiring a full-time network engineer and peering coordinator. Please share this post with your friends and if you are interested in working on the RouteViews project, we encourage you to apply:


Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, News

Meeting: Peering Asia in Seoul, South Korea

Route Views staff will be attending Peering Asia in Seoul, South Korea. We will give a short update on the Route Views project to share what we’ve been working on. Hope to see you there!

Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, News

New collector at PIT Chile Santiago

We have deployed a new collector at the PIT CL exchange, Santiago, Chile, hosted by PIT Chile.

pit.scl.routeviews.org is now accepting peers. If you would like to participate by contributing your routes, please submit a peering request.

We prefer FULL TABLE export if possible, and filter out RFC1918, NULL routes, and DEFAULT route.

Our peering details can be found at:


RouteViews has been a member of the Internet community for over 20 years. RouteViews operates data collectors throughout the world, and provides support to researchers and operators. Collectors serve as real-time operational tools, as well as data sources for the RouteViews central data archive. RouteViews data provides a significant source of information to the network community for the study of global routing dynamics.

Our success depends upon the cooperative spirit and generosity of our peers, associates, and members of the network community. RouteViews would like to thank PIT Chile for their support in establishing this collector on PIT CL Santiago, as well as the support of the members of the exchange community.

Additional resources related to this collector can be found here:


For additional information, please contact help@routeviews.org.
RouteViews AS6447


Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, News

New collector at Pacific Wave / CENIC

We have deployed a new collector at the Pacific Wave exchange, Los Angeles, California, hosted by CENIC.

pacwave.lax.routeviews.org is now accepting peers. If you would like to participate by contributing your routes, please submit a peering request.

We prefer FULL TABLE export if possible, and filter out RFC1918, NULL routes, and DEFAULT route.

Our peering details can be found at:


RouteViews has been a member of the Internet community for over 20 years. RouteViews operates data collectors throughout the world, and provides support to researchers and operators. Collectors serve as real-time operational tools, as well as data sources for the RouteViews central data archive. RouteViews data provides a significant source of information to the network community for the study of global routing dynamics.

Our success depends upon the cooperative spirit and generosity of our peers, associates, and members of the network community. RouteViews would like to thank CENIC for their support in establishing this collector on Pacific Wave, as well as the support of the members of the Pacific Wave community.

Additional resources related to this collector can be found here:


For additional information, please contact help@routeviews.org.
RouteViews AS6447


Posted by Hans Kuhn in Announcement, News